Some censuring Readers will scornfully say, why hath this Lady writ her own life? Since none cares to know whose daughter she was or whose wife she is, or how she was bred, or what fortunes she had, or how she lived, or what humor or disposition she was of? I answer that is true, that 'tis to no purpose to the Readers, but it is to the Authoress, because I write it for my own sake, not theirs. ~Margaret Cavendish in 1655

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the wittiest knit there is

The annual Knit Wit's Christmas Non-White Elephant gift auction is now over. Over $300 was raised for charity and all of the ladies went home happy. I came home with knitting books, a notions holder, homemade jam & bread and homemade chocolates in a cute tin. The other ladies also made out well. Swell, infact, for some of the ladies. And while the fierce bidding was going on, everyone was working on a project. I had a delightful time. I can hardly wait for next year!

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