Some censuring Readers will scornfully say, why hath this Lady writ her own life? Since none cares to know whose daughter she was or whose wife she is, or how she was bred, or what fortunes she had, or how she lived, or what humor or disposition she was of? I answer that is true, that 'tis to no purpose to the Readers, but it is to the Authoress, because I write it for my own sake, not theirs. ~Margaret Cavendish in 1655

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the wittiest knit there is

The annual Knit Wit's Christmas Non-White Elephant gift auction is now over. Over $300 was raised for charity and all of the ladies went home happy. I came home with knitting books, a notions holder, homemade jam & bread and homemade chocolates in a cute tin. The other ladies also made out well. Swell, infact, for some of the ladies. And while the fierce bidding was going on, everyone was working on a project. I had a delightful time. I can hardly wait for next year!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

i'm a nerd and here is an example why

I have finished the baby blanket, after 4 months of knitting! I also now have the pictorial proof of said accomplishment. I know that it doesn't look like a typical baby blanket, but Cousin Nichole is a typical mom.

I think that the blanky will be big enough for 4 kids, but it will enough for him to grow into. And warm for winter! Good grief! I was sweating by the end everytime I knitted on it.

Friend Alison came up for a visit and we had a good time. We went over to Kenton and met up with the folks and went to a movie and Chinese buffet in Bellefontaine. The Holiday with Kate Blanchett and Camran Diaz was a fun chick flick. Other than that, we hung out and we didn't quite make it to the Regal Beagle. That will have to wait for another day.

The holidays are upon us and I am almost done with Christmas purchases.... just one or two more things. I promise.

Check out Princess Megan's blog about fruitcakes (no, not the ones you married/dating). As for more comments about married/dating, read Crazy Aunt Purl's blog and maybe you too can put forth your own dating horror story. I did date a married man for 1/2 of a date, until he told me he was married, but that she was in Canada and all he wanted was 'friends'. I asked to see a picture and he whipped it out with no hesitation. I don't believe that I left so quickly in my life and I can't remember any more if I saw him afterwards. I told Friend Laura about it(she had encouraged the date) and we were both outraged and I believe relieved (better to find the cretin out before the second date). I think that I left the country the following Feb. But that is another story for another time.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

oof! what a week!

and it is only Thursday!!!

Last night Mom, Dad and I went over and met Molly Elizabeth, Cousin Ranelle's newest addition to the family. She is sooo stickin' cute it should be illegal. I'll try to finangle a picture out of the folks so that everyone can experience the cuteness.

And the realllllly important news is that I have finished the baby blanket. That's right, 4 months of knitting on one project is over! I am going to Jane's (knitting guru) house this evening and she is going to help me sew up the loose ends. Literally. I will then be free to learn how to knit socks, which I have added to my 'Things to Learn Before I Turn 30' list. The others are currently only pie in the sky.... by I have 8 months and counting to get things done. grrr... I am she-woman, hear me roar...

Other than that, I'm still scarf knitting and making everyone's Christmas gift. This year (in case you haven't heard) is going to be a Merry-Homemade-Christmas.

Oh, one more thing.... tomorrow is Hope's 10th Birthday. That is right.... Cousin Jamie's oldest will turn 10. I cannot imagine having a 10-year-old, but since Jamie and I are the same age, it is possible. Oy vey.