Some censuring Readers will scornfully say, why hath this Lady writ her own life? Since none cares to know whose daughter she was or whose wife she is, or how she was bred, or what fortunes she had, or how she lived, or what humor or disposition she was of? I answer that is true, that 'tis to no purpose to the Readers, but it is to the Authoress, because I write it for my own sake, not theirs. ~Margaret Cavendish in 1655

Thursday, December 08, 2005


So, a few more bombs are going off in Bangladesh this past week. This morning ('Deshi time) another one went off and possible one went off last night in a tiny village up near where my PC friend Peter and Helyn live in Naogoan. So, they got off the plane after a vacation in Thailand today and they are consolidated in Dhaka. This is just a regional consolidation, so not all the PCVs will be brought into Dhaka. For of those not habituated in PC talk, consolidation is taking where you take all the volunteers and make them stay together, so if you must evacuate, then they are easier to reach. What is really translates to, Helyn, Peter and their sitemate Mr. Bill-O get a free trip into Dhaka and I'll be seeing them this evening at Happy Hour in the American Club.

Please note, I was very calm when I wrote this and please don't worry about the bombs. It's ok, no one panic. All the exits are clearly marked....

As for my own leaving plans, the plane leaves on the 17th and arrives 30 hours later on the 17th. Confusing? Slightly. Will I be mildly insane from the travel? Definately. Since I'm arrive at 9 pm, Mom asked if I wanted to stop at Schmidt's for a bratwurst on the way home. We'll see... We'll see... A nice brat with a cold beer will be heaven on earth. Mmmmm... pork and cheese. Will this make up for the cold? Hmmm.... I'll think about it....

For this evening however, it is a post-GRE/good-bye Happy Hour for fellow B-5 Wendy. She is has finished her 6 month contract and will be leaving the 'Desh for good in the next day or two. First, she's going to travel around India and also other parts of South Asia before going home to Arizona. Sounds like a ton of fun! Good luck to her!


allie said...

Have a safe trip back. When you recover from your return culture shock come out to Licking County and we will give you a bit more shock. :)

Andrew said...

Brace yourself for the COLD Ohio welcome- have Linda pull out an electric blanket for the bed and bring many layers of sweaters to the aiport. We got around 5 inches of snow last night- it was very pretty and I cozied up on the couch and watched it fall outside with a nice hot cup of cocoa.
I am taking the week between Christmas and New Years off- so I am free 12-23 to 1-3!!!! Hurray.