Some censuring Readers will scornfully say, why hath this Lady writ her own life? Since none cares to know whose daughter she was or whose wife she is, or how she was bred, or what fortunes she had, or how she lived, or what humor or disposition she was of? I answer that is true, that 'tis to no purpose to the Readers, but it is to the Authoress, because I write it for my own sake, not theirs. ~Margaret Cavendish in 1655

Saturday, February 17, 2007

lazy Saturday

So, today I didn't get out of bed until 11 and at this time (3:45 pm) I am still in my jammies and slippers and haven't quite accomplished anything except for washing dishes. I have been working on my sock instead of studying for the GMAT and it looks super-cool.

Super cool sock!

Other than that, life has been uber slow, what with the snow and all. Next week, I am hoping for Excitement! or at least a good story to tell. Or better yet, kind reader, send me a story and I will gladly listen with ooohs and ahhhhs. Promise.

Back to the sock. Isn't it cool?


Meg said...

hey way to address that goal # 5! ouber cute! Whose tooties will call those home?

Laura said...

I've decided that these socks will be mine and after I have all the kinks out, I'll knit for other people. Cousin Jamie's oldest, Hope, I think will hit me up for a pair soon. She was oh so subtle, like any other 10 year old kid is when they really want something and are biding their time to ask for it.

LeeAnn said...

Laura, I love your colors and it looks like a fine job.