Some censuring Readers will scornfully say, why hath this Lady writ her own life? Since none cares to know whose daughter she was or whose wife she is, or how she was bred, or what fortunes she had, or how she lived, or what humor or disposition she was of? I answer that is true, that 'tis to no purpose to the Readers, but it is to the Authoress, because I write it for my own sake, not theirs. ~Margaret Cavendish in 1655

Sunday, July 31, 2005

where in the world?

Aloha friends and family. I've been not busy at work or play, so not alot to report on as of late. For those concerned, I'm not near the flooding in South Asia. Its happening in Mumbai (Bombay) and that's around 1,000 KM away from me the other side of India. As you can see, I'm neighbors with Myanmar (Burma), Bhutan and Nepal and surrounded almost completely by India. To the north of Bangladesh is the Indian states of Assam and Darjeeling, where the most expensive tea in the world is grown. Bangladesh also grows a medium grade tea in Sylhet, but it's not at a high enough altitude to grow the really good stuff. However, Rajshahi (where I was posted as a PCV) grows some of the best mangoes in the world. That also goes across the border into India and the Malta Mango.
Well, folks, that's your geography lesson for today. Hope this clears up where in the world I am. And for the pre-'71 grads, Bangladesh was East Pakistan from '48-'71 and India's state of East Bengal pre-'48. That is why Kolkutta (Calcutta) is in the state of West Bengal and it has no East counterpart. Confusing? You bet. But if you're in the neighborhood, just swing on by! Houseguests are considered a gift from Allah in Muslim households, so that means you always can get a snack and tea at least 85% of the time here. Thank goodness for that or I would have starved in Rajshahi!!!

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